Foundation Course in Drawing and Watercolor
“When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college—that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared back at me, incredulous, and said, “You mean they forget?”
—Howard Ikemoto
This foundation course is a tried and true method presenting the basic elements of drawing and watercolor with personal coaching.
Developed over 25 years while teaching basic drawing and watercolor at the community level across the US in venues
ranging from museums to back yards, the complete foundation course includes:
• 8-12 progressive lessons
• with step-by-step instruction in text
• and video demos
• loads of photos
• related historic examples
• plenty of supplemental links and study references
• weekly live classes for coaching and discussion
• constructive critique
• accountability
• and encouragement to support your experience.
Developed over 25 years while teaching basic drawing and watercolor at the community level across the US in venues
ranging from museums to back yards, the complete foundation course includes:
• 8-12 progressive lessons
• with step-by-step instruction in text
• and video demos
• loads of photos
• related historic examples
• plenty of supplemental links and study references
• weekly live classes for coaching and discussion
• constructive critique
• accountability
• and encouragement to support your experience.
"I'm such a face-to-face communicator, I never thought an online environment could be effective for teaching. I never thought I'd like the video format. But in your online course, I'm not distracted by extraneous things that would otherwise catch my attention. Even better, I don't have to drive anywhere!
"I feel like it's the benefit of private tutoring with the advantage of other students' work to look at. You've put together a really well-planned, well-thought out, beautifully presented product with tremendous depth and breadth.
"I want to thank you for this class. I might have put off drawing for the rest of my life." — Susan Spak, Storrs Mansfield, CT
After decades of teaching in many different situations,
I've crafted this unique and comprehensive online course to lead you, step by step,
through a transformational process that forever changes the way you see the world.
What makes this Foundation Course unique
is the personal coaching, accountability
and comprehensive design.
These step-by-step, progressive lessons allow you to develop and expand naturally
and are delivered in an authentic, encouraging and supportive manner
with your personal evolution in mind.
I've crafted this unique and comprehensive online course to lead you, step by step,
through a transformational process that forever changes the way you see the world.
What makes this Foundation Course unique
is the personal coaching, accountability
and comprehensive design.
These step-by-step, progressive lessons allow you to develop and expand naturally
and are delivered in an authentic, encouraging and supportive manner
with your personal evolution in mind.
"In terms of living my life, the online course format provided me with a safe and supportive group environment in which I could transform mountains of self doubt about my ability to do art into upbeat confidence and courage - there's no room for self-criticism in this course, perseverance and hope trumps negativity, and what doesn't work today can succeed brilliantly tomorrow. Literally, personally and practically, this course turns darkness into light." —Heidi Krzyzaniak, Federal Way, WA
The Details
Summer 2025
We usually meet for one hour on Wednesday afternoons or early evening.
The 1st meeting is orientation.
(but you'll have exercises to learn from and warm up with in advance)
If you have to miss a meeting,
each one is recorded with easy access.
You have complete access to course through the full year.
We meet on Wednesday afternoons.
(but sign up below to be notified of an early bird special!)
My courses are usually limited to a 6 students
so email me now to hold your seat!
Working with me, you receive thoughtfully presented,
well-planned and executed lessons
in an orderly, step-by-step manner.
Read what other students have experienced
Sign up for notification of Online Course opening
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!
Overcome your fears and your blocks on paper
in the privacy of your own home.
Maybe you don't want to be an artist.
Or you do want to be an artist.
Or you are an artist and feel that you've missed a critical link.
The truth is that many people - even practicing artists -
miss a good foundation in basic elements and principals and suffer for years as a result.
Are you afraid to start drawing and watercolor because
you tell yourself (and others) that you have no artistic talent,
can't draw a straight line
but secretly long to paint and maybe even have a stack of untouched art supplies in a closet?
Forget about talent.
EVERYONE (and that includes you) has the right and the ability to pick up a pencil and draw.
Everyone has the right and the ability to learn about color.
My foundation course starts at the very beginning and encourages you to play and be imperfect
to help you get your pencils moving and brushes wet.
So, learn the fundamentals of drawing and watercolor and, more importantly, become better acquainted with yourself. Allow me to guide you through tried and true progressive exercises, designed to encourage your natural tendencies and help you establish the habit of practice.
Learn to draw and watercolor like YOU, not like anyone else!
Connect with your authentic, creative self. Recognize your blocks and foibles (common to all of us), learn how to step around those and better connect with your experience in each present moment. You'll experience remarkable change in the quality of your life while making drawings and watercolors.
Overcome your fears and your blocks on paper
in the privacy of your own home.
Maybe you don't want to be an artist.
Or you do want to be an artist.
Or you are an artist and feel that you've missed a critical link.
The truth is that many people - even practicing artists -
miss a good foundation in basic elements and principals and suffer for years as a result.
Are you afraid to start drawing and watercolor because
you tell yourself (and others) that you have no artistic talent,
can't draw a straight line
but secretly long to paint and maybe even have a stack of untouched art supplies in a closet?
Forget about talent.
EVERYONE (and that includes you) has the right and the ability to pick up a pencil and draw.
Everyone has the right and the ability to learn about color.
My foundation course starts at the very beginning and encourages you to play and be imperfect
to help you get your pencils moving and brushes wet.
So, learn the fundamentals of drawing and watercolor and, more importantly, become better acquainted with yourself. Allow me to guide you through tried and true progressive exercises, designed to encourage your natural tendencies and help you establish the habit of practice.
Learn to draw and watercolor like YOU, not like anyone else!
Connect with your authentic, creative self. Recognize your blocks and foibles (common to all of us), learn how to step around those and better connect with your experience in each present moment. You'll experience remarkable change in the quality of your life while making drawings and watercolors.
"I will never look at the world in the same way again!"
- —Roberta Conroy, workshop host and student, Palm Springs, CA
See better, be better!
As you learn to practice drawing and watercolor, you naturally develop your awareness, observational powers and problem solving skills. Inevitably, these and other benefits that come with the practice of drawing and watercolor enhance your life in positive ways that will surprise you! You don't need any experience to take any of my courses. All you need is a desire to draw and watercolor. My courses are designed for closet (or shadow) artists, and for professionals outside the visual arts. |
Read about the RESULTS and learn about other student's experience.
Join this encouraging online course and discover your untapped creative potential.
It's just like being with me in my studio!
Join this encouraging online course and discover your untapped creative potential.
It's just like being with me in my studio!
"If you hear a voice within you say, "You cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."
—Vincent van Gogh
Here's an example of an over the shoulder watercolor demo video (without instruction.)
The Foundation Course begins with my simple and entertaining book on the basic elements of drawing.
Evolve Creatively
What I mean when I talk about creatively evolving through a transformational process...
Transformation means to undergo a marked change in form, nature, or appearance.
It means that you change and it's noticeable.
To evolve simply means to develop gradually, from a simple to a more complex form.
Here are some ways that these long courses help you creatively evolve through a transformational process:
You evolve physically,
through developing your drawing and watercolor work, through hand-eye coordination,
through learning to see what you are actually looking at (not what you think you are looking at)
You evolve emotionally,
by learning to be compassionate towards yourself
and to recognize and bypass your self-critical thoughts.
because in learning to bypass your critical thoughts you start allowing
the creative spirit to more easily flow through your experience with drawing and painting,
and intellectually,
as you learn about the history of painting in direct context
with your drawing and watercolor practice.
What I mean when I talk about creatively evolving through a transformational process...
Transformation means to undergo a marked change in form, nature, or appearance.
It means that you change and it's noticeable.
To evolve simply means to develop gradually, from a simple to a more complex form.
Here are some ways that these long courses help you creatively evolve through a transformational process:
You evolve physically,
through developing your drawing and watercolor work, through hand-eye coordination,
through learning to see what you are actually looking at (not what you think you are looking at)
You evolve emotionally,
by learning to be compassionate towards yourself
and to recognize and bypass your self-critical thoughts.
because in learning to bypass your critical thoughts you start allowing
the creative spirit to more easily flow through your experience with drawing and painting,
and intellectually,
as you learn about the history of painting in direct context
with your drawing and watercolor practice.
One thing leads to another.