Not a bad subject to re-launch my daily practice blog. It'll take a bit to re-establish the habit and till then, it's practice.
Practice does not make perfect but it can establish a habit which, if it's a healthy one, can lead to all sorts of good things.
My 2016 daily practice was eclipsed by a big illustration project. This year has been all about creating three new art history practicum courses to follow on my foundation course in drawing and watercolor.
All personal drawing and watercolor this year has gone to rapid demos in live class and longer demos for the online course. I’ve been chomping at the bit to just sit down to draw and watercolor and post for … relief! (At the very least.)
I'm still honing the online art history practicum course to make the best offering possible for early 2018 but am far enough along to putting my personal daily practice in gear again. This bee has been sitting in a saucer next to my drafting table for at least two months. I'm happy, at long last, to immortalize him (or to make him temporarily slightly famous) as he helps me prepare for two new courses online in the new year.
Do not fail, as you go on, to draw something every day, for no matter how little it is, it will be well worth while, and it will do you a world of good. —Cennino Cennini