It's time to keep your tootsies warm.
I have to tell you about my new socks! One thing I love is finding a new article of clothing that doesn't shrink, pill, pull apart at the seams, or otherwise disappoint after one wearing or washing.
Although I've probably spent one-third of my life in flip-flops, I now like to wear good socks year round. They're easy protection from cooties and help to keep my skin and personal thermodynamics in good order.
I found awesome socks in the 6 for $12 bin outside of Twig in Chapel Hill recently. After my wear and wash test, I liked them so much that I went back for another half a dozen. There was no brand on the socks or tag (how refreshing) but I learned that they're made at a small mill in Graham, NC called Best Knit Hosiery Mill, Inc. I brought home pairs in two greys, white, and my favorite color green. (To prove that last point, see 2010 post on my first pair of Keen Newport H2Os.)
Although this blog has been primarily devoted to drawing and watercolor for a decade, my most visited post (by quantum leaps and bounds) is How to heal your fractured foot and ankle. And so, I revisit the subject.
"The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art."
—Leonardo da Vinci
Follow these steps...
Massage your own feet!
Find a reflexology chart or let your thumbs and fingers, intuition and pleasure be your guide. Don't know where to start? Rub the soles of your feet together vigorously on waking, after napping, (or any time you need a quick pick me up). Feel the heat and tingly energy. It's good for your whole being!
Soak 'em.
Fill a dish bin with warm water and epsom salts (or sea salt and baking soda) and sit still for 15 minutes or so with a good book or magazine.
Exfoliate your skin.
The best time to exfoliate the skin on your feet is after a good soak. Pumice stones are too harsh for me. If you're the same, try a wash cloth, loofah, or nail brush.
Most folks have a favorite moisturizer. Mine alternates from season to season. I love Mountain Ocean Skin Trip but am also an Udderly Smooth fan. This season, I'm trying out their Extra Care 20on both my feet and my hands. Also, moisturize your feet before bed then don some clean, lightweight socks.
Point, flex, and rotate (in both directions).
In the morning before you get out of bed and at night before you sleep. This will help keep your joints and muscles flexible, and your blood and vital energies circulating.
Come to think of it, all of the above will help to circulate your blood and vital energies.
Add your favorite essential oils to any of these steps for even greater benefit.
Speaking of which...

Mmm, mmm, mmmmm!
After standing on my feet for all day teaching stints
or local art markets, there is nothing like settling down at home
to massage my feet with Deep Blue oil.
This blend of the essential oils of Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint,
Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Helichrysum, and Osmanthus,
penetrates deep and continues its healing magic long after the massaging
has stopped.
Want some for yourself?
Click here for my online store. Deep Blue Oil is also included as one of the top ten oils in the
Family Physician Kit at a super value.
Need help? Click here to email or call to schedule a chat.
Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.
—Theodore Roosevelt